Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week 39 and still holding

Today we got the great news that I am officially 1cm dialated. At least something happened since last week. Yeah!!! Next week we can begin talking induction, but dr. wouldn't talk about it prior...oh well. We are just praying Isabella shows up sometime soon on her tonight???? Hee-Hee

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Week 38

Well, we had our 38 week appt. today and found out that we are Isabella has decided to stay nice and cozy for at least a little while longer. No dialation and my cervix has lengthened only a little bit. I have decided that more walking is what I last night I walked our stairs 14 times!! By then, I was out of breath and tired but nothing new to report. Oh well, I just plan to continue walking and see where things go...she is already showing her stubborn side. :-)

Friday, March 6, 2009

36 weeks and counting

We had our 36 week appt. today and the dr. said that all is well and she is ready to come whenever she would like....but, there is no dialation as of yet. We are at the point of getting to see Dr. Murphy weekly and Zach enjoys that because he likes to squirt mama's belly and listen to baby sister's heartbeat. What will he do when she is no longer in my belly???? Hee-Hee We will keep you updated as things progress....hopefully we will have our new baby girl soon.