Monday, July 21, 2008

Lake Tahoe vacation

Grandma and Zach went on a nature hike.....

Daddy and his boys

Mommy and Ethan

Daddy just enjoying his vacation

Grandma and Zach just finished dipping their feet in the frigid waters of Lake Tahoe

Grandpa and Zach playing trains together

Our hike took us to a fun beach that Zach enjoyed running around on and getting sandy!!!

Can you tell that Ethan was having fun??

Our beautiful hike which Zach chose to walk...the entire way. What a big boy he is!!!

Getting ready for swimming in the pool. They love the water. Zach isn't afraid to jump in by himself....

Mommy and Zach

We went for a quick vacation to Lake Tahoe with Grandpa & Grandma this week...we had a lot of fun in our timeshare and the boys slept pretty well in their own room.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cousin Sean's wedding

Yes, this looks like a liquor..but actually it was lemon sorbet between courses for dinner.

Grandma and Zach dancing...boy did he have fun

Grandpa, Grandma and Zach

All tuckered out from having tooooo much fun!!

Our boys

Cousin Sean married Sandy today in a beautiful wedding. The boys got "officially" dressed up for the occasion and we had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ethan at 7 months


We are so very proud of our little boy..he is a bundle of joy and laughter in our family. He weighed in at his appt. at 20 lbs 12 1/2 oz. He isn't afraid to eat!!! He has also gotten his two bottom teeth and was such a trooper as they were coming through.... Here are both Zach and Ethan at 7 months

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Zach really loved the 4th this year. We let him stay up and he got to experiment and also watch a lot of fireworks set off by his uncles.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Uncle Thomas' visit

Uncle Thomas bought Zach an early birthday present...Spencer Lego's

Thomas was in town for a bit on R&R from Iraq and he had so much fun getting to meet Ethan and running around with Zach. We really enjoyed having him home. Now we just have to wait again until he comes home December 1st.